
CAB Plumbing understands the importance placed on offering our clients the reassurance that, in the unlikelihood of something going wrong, we maintain the highest levels of insurances across our organisation.

We provide the peace of mind to not, only our clients but, our own staff that we ensure that personal injury, property damage or installation fault is covered within the CAB Plumbing insurances.

Our comprehensive work cover insurance ensures that the health and safety of our team is our main focus that in the unlikely hood of one of our team sustaining an injury or becoming ill that they are covered with all benefits and cost covered.

Our public indemnity insurance allows us to provide advice and design solutions across your assets and plumbing solution requirements. It is a piece of mind factor that allows us to work more confidently in offering the industry’s leading solutions on the job.


  • Certificate of Currency
  • Public Liability
  • Public Indemnity